Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Insanity: Now a week into it

I'm into the second week of workouts in the Insanity program and I'm of two minds in regards to how I'm doing.  On one side of the coin, I'm happy that I'm still doing the workout everyday.  I didn't finish P90x and while I may regale you with a number of different excuses, the true reason is that I didn't follow through.  I'm still following through with this and I hope/wish/pray/want to keep doing it.

The other side of the coin is an experience that I imagine a lot of people in my shoes feel at some point in their attempt to get in shape and lose weight.... It ain't happening fast enough.  In our immediate gratification based society the hope is that the weight is going to fall off like a pair of bulky clothes at the end of the day.  Minimal work and effort equaling maximum results.

Sad story is it doesn't work that way.

The workouts themselves aren't too tough in and of itself.  What makes them tough is how you ratchet up each time you do them.

The whole premise behind Insanity and P90x is the idea of interval training.  IT is basically getting your heart rate up high for an extended period of time with interspersed periods of rest.  Where Insanity really starts to kick your tail is that you go through your set of four workouts, take a break, then repeat the same four workouts but faster, break, repeat again going faster yet again.  That's what has me breathing hard and working me out harder than any run or pickup game of basketball ever has.

Like P90x the variety in the workouts from day to day keeps you from getting too sore in specific areas so I've haven't had physical excuses preventing me from going after the workout when I get home from work.  That combined with my timeline of going out to Las Vegas is keeping my nose to the grindstone.

I'm restrained myself from looking at the scale daily (something the wife can't do) because it's not an exercise or method that is going to provide immediate results.  Continued working out with a lower caloried diet over time is the only way I'm going to make this work.

I'm not saying I haven't seen improvement.  I have, I'm taking less breaks and I'm recovering faster from the workouts as my body is getting back into shape.  I'm just struggling to get over my desire for immediacy as I understand that if I'm truly going to create a lasting change its going to take a little bit longer than 8 days of working out.

I'm looking forward to how I'll look and feel in a month and even more so when I'm done with the program, but right now I'm just trying to make sure that I'm doing the workout everyday and trying to improve on the consistency and speed of how I'm working out.


  1. you will begin to see physical appearance change by the end of month 1, but the real change begins in month 2. By the end of month 2 you will be amazed. Be sure to take the pics at the appropriate times. Compare them, you will see the difference. Mine look Photoshopped.

  2. Did you post 'em somewhere?

    I'm definitely enjoying it though. It works great for my schedule and I feel like I'm achieving something w/in the workout (even if it's not visible yet)
