Friday, July 27, 2012


There are plenty of goals in this life that I want to achieve at one point or an another.  Some won't happen until later in life due to the variety of pitches life has a tendency to throw at the average person. Jobs, marriage, kids, plus all the other minutia that crops everyday to slow down those plans.

I'm okay with waiting for some of those, to put them on the back burner until I'm able to truly dedicate some time and attention to them.  It also isn't a bad thing for me to work on obtaining some patience in my life, a virtue that I don't necessarily have in spades.

Others I'm not so keen on waiting on.

At the top of that list, not surprisingly considering the emergence of this blog, is writing.  I have a deep passion for the written word, both read and written, and whether I'm getting paid (not likely) or not (little more likely) a life without writing isn't a life that I'm going to be living.  Not only do I tend to articulate myself better on paper (or in this case, on the screen) but I also find that writing out my thoughts, no matter how obscure or random, is a cathartic process that contributes to me having a good day.

I can't explain it any more simply than that.  There's a sense of calm that settles onto me as I write, a smile that more often than not that creeps onto my face as I peck away at the keyboard or scribble onto a Moleskine notepad that is never far away from me, a feeling that I'm doing something that may or may not last longer than the good and bad times I'm experiencing at that moment.  I don't know what causes that and I really don't care, I just care that it's there and happening when I do it.

I'm a firm believer in finding something in life that serves this same function.  I doesn't matter what it is but rather that it happens.  It may be creating or playing music, it may be physical activity, it may be cooking, it may be anything.  Do something.  Let it out in a way that works for you.  Writing just happens to be the way that works for me.

I'd like to be published someday but until then I'm going to keep writing.

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