Sunday, July 1, 2012

Where did the weekend go?

Luckily I've got a glass of whiskey here to help me through the last bit of the weekend.

I'm quaffing for only the second time ever a glass of Buffalo Trace and while I won't ever call it my favorite whiskey it's definitely up there if you were to ask for some advice when it comes to an affordable whiskey.  I picked up a small bottle for fifteen bucks at a local specialty store and it's well worth the money spent and  you can pick up a fifth for thirty or so at most places.

Whether you've just taken the stopper out or your lifting your tumbler up for your first sip you're not going to be taken aback by any strong, alcoholic scent.  That trend continues during each sip.  It's a smooth drink that  while it will pack a punch if you drink more than one in a given night (the affects of a 90% drink or two may or may not be known on good confidence) goes down nice and easy leaving only a nice spicy after burn that doesn't bite but leaves a nice toasty after affect that just reminds you of the good drink in your hand.

Drink it with a cube of ice (don't go with more or you'll water it down too much) or drink it straight.  It's an enjoyable ride.

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